Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas - A Little Late

But better late than never! We made it to the Keys late Christmas afternoon. I'll post pictures of both Christmas and the Keys when we have a faster internet connection.

We had a great Christmas Eve and enjoyed dinner out with our neighbors, followed by a campfire with marshmallows. Santa made his visit and Bradley made out like a bandit. He enjoyed all his gifts but is anxious to try out his new cleats and ball glove. Santa brought everyone an Ipod Nano so we have been trying to figure out all the neat things it will do.

The Keys weather has been great but not quite great for fishing. We spent most of yesterday just lounging around, getting the boat ready, going to the bait shop, etc. Up early this morning and headed out but it was quite windy and choppy. We managed to stay out until lunch but no bites. This afternoon we have definitely enjoyed the sunshine. Bradley's having fun attempting to catch fish, looking at the banana tree down the road and trying to figure out how to climb the tree to get a coconut! There are also two resident iguanas in our neighborhood which made their appearance this afternoon. We weren't fast enough to get pictures of them but it was cool to see them as Bradley had never seen one in person. It is a much needed relaxing break for us all.

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