Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Fun

Okay - so the last couple of weeks have been very busy. Last weekend Bradley's team played in the Sunshine State Super NIT. Overall, the team really didn't play very well. Bradley did play well and made several great plays at first base. This was his first chance of the season to play first for more than an inning or two. It's hard to believe, but this is the first time since March that we haven't been in the Championship game - finishing third.

Bradley also turned 10 this week - really hard to believe - or as he puts it - he's a decade. We had dinner with friends, Shay & Melissa, for his birthday and he ate lots of crab legs. It rained here all week long (not afternoon showers - I mean RAINED all day) so we didn't get much accomplished. Our USSSA Pride Women's Pro Fastpitch team came into town for a meet and greet this week. It was really nice to meet all the girls and we look forward to a great season! Since the weather was not cooperative we had no baseball practice this week - hopefully everyone uses the break to rest for next weekend.

Saturday I worked as the weather was again not cooperative. Sunday we ran a few errands and Daniel came over and we played some cards while it rained. The only bright spot in this is that with all the rain we did get to watch college softball on TV!

Finally - we were blessed with some good weather for Memorial Day - although right now it is storming - but at least it didn't start until about 6:30. We took the boat to the lake and met some friends. We had a blast - there were lots of people - and even a plane! All in all this was a great day for family and friends!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Off for Mother's Day

We had the weekend off from baseball - much to Bradley's dismay! Never fear - we'll be back at the field for a tourney this weekend.

It's been pretty toasty here for the past few days - temps in the mid 90's and no rain at all which is very unusual. That gave the pool plenty of time to warm up. We all enjoyed a swim in the pool yesterday - even Elvis. We had a quiet day at home which is most unusual!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another 2nd Place

Friday was the Elementary County track meet. Bradley was supposed to be in three events - discus, long jump and a relay race. They overbooked the discus and he didn't get to participate. He did participate in the long jump but we had to wait two hours for his turn! We never heard the final standings but his longest jump was 10'3". He did participate in a medley relay and ran the first leg - with his team finishing third in the race. Thankfully the meet was at the high school across from my office so I could go back & forth and get some work done in between all the waiting. TR was in St Louis for the Men's Conference tournament and it rained them out Friday. He did get to go up in the Arch though!

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day for baseball here in Central Florida. Our boys were playing in an "Open" division tournament where a couple of the teams were from the division above us. We lost our first game 5-1 on an error in the outfield late in the game - Bradley pitched the first three innings and did an amazing job. We were tied when he left the game. We won our second game easily which seeded us second after pool play. Sunday is elimination day and the boys played well the first game. Bradley was sitting and resting as he was going to pitch in the Championship game. He did come through with a pinch hit single to help his team on their way to a win. So the Championship game is a re-match of our first pool play game. Bradley took the mound and did a good job but the other team was anticipating his start and they were hitting. Our boys played great defense but the Panthers made every play in the field - including a double play from third to first in the last inning. It was a great game but the Panthers held out to beat us 7-4.

The rain finally stopped in St Louis although it was a little chilly. They should be getting the video of the game up on the website for viewing soon - check out for TR's handy camera work.