Thursday, April 15, 2010

In A Slump

Boy oh boy - both the travel team and the little league team have had a bad week! Last week was Spring Break and I think some of our boys are still on vacation.

We manged to go to the Tampa Rays/Baltimore Orioles game last Thursday night - two packed vehicles - us, The Roes, The Hoyles & The Barbers. Traffic was backed up getting over there so we missed the first inning but still had a great time. There were fireworks after the game so of course we stayed. Everyone was tired when we rolled back into St Cloud around 1:15 am! Good thing we were all off on Friday.

Friday we went to Melbourne Beach with the Roe family. By the time we got there, the clouds had cleared up and we had a nice afternoon. The temperature dropped suddenly late afternoon and decided we had enough beach so we packed it up and went to the beachside pizza place and followed it up with Cold Stone ice cream! A trip to Dick's Sporting Goods completed our day on the trip home. Saturday I ran a few errands and worked around the house. We had a "pre-all-star" little league scrimmage Saturday evening followed by a cookout at the Clayton's at their new pool. That brings us to Sunday...

Well, Sunday we had a travel ball doubleheader against the Winter Springs Matrix Purple, who beat us 10-9 in our last tournament. This team is NOT THAT GOOD! Our boys were definitely still on spring break - making errors and in general not playing well. We ended up losing both games - 7-4 and 8-4. Let's hope they regroup and get back in the swing of things.

Last night, we had our first little league game back from the break. It was definitely BAD! Bradley caught, played third and pitched and did fine in the field. At the plate, he was absolutely AWFUL - going o-fer which he hasn't done all year long. Our fielding was pitiful and we hope for much better on Monday.

We'll be at the ballfields all weekend as our first Men's Major tournament of the year starts today.

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