Sunday, September 13, 2009

Braves Win 2

So I realize my posting is overdue. To catch everyone up, last weekend was Labor Day and we had our Conference Championships for the men's major softball at our office Friday, Saturday and Sunday and a banquet on Saturday night. Poor TR had a kidney stone that started moving on Friday so he wasn't feeling well and he and Bradley never made it to the field Friday but he did find out that he had one stone that was moving and five more left in his kidneys. Saturday he kept a low profile but sitting in the house was getting to him so he did go with me to the banquet - good thing he was on Percocet as he did pass the stone that was on the move during the banquet Saturday night! Sunday he was feeling much better and was able to resume his duties as bat tester for the final day of the tourney with the assistance of Bradley who ran the bats from the field to the testing room.

Monday we decided to take a trip to Aquatica - first time for TR & I although Bradley had been once with our neighbors shortly after it opened. We were there early and had done everything by noon! It was great in the morning as lines were short and if we liked the ride we were able to get right back on. By the time the the park began to get crowded we had done all but one thing which Bradley deemed as spinning too many times. We had a blast and look forward to going back.

This weekend brought us back to the baseball field on Sunday for the kickoff of the fall season. The Braves had a doubleheader at home against the Warriors. The Braves played good - not great and not terrible - and came away with two wins on two different fields! Bradley pitched the entire first game for a 19-4 win. Our home field had rain on Saturday and the batters box was very muddy when we arrived - took some stay-dri and TR's expertise to get the field playable. When the rain came down right at the end of the first game, the field was deemed not playable but Coach Monsey called to the other field we play on which is only about 5 minutes away and they had hardly any rain - so we packed up and moved over. The second game was much closer - we trailed 8-2 at the end of the second and finally tied the game in the last inning. Since we were now the visitors we held them in the field and sent the game into extra innings. We managed to score 2 and hold the Warriors off, thanks in part to a great call by the Braves scorekeeper (me) who caught the illegal substitution to give the Warriors their second out in the bottom of the last inning (I'd warned them on three different times about illegal subs - since they didn't listen they paid the consequences). Nevertheless, the Braves came away with a 12-10 win. Will post a pic of Bradley after the games - wet and dirty - when I find the cable for the camera.....