Monday, July 5, 2010

Sorry It's Been So Long....

So anyone who knows us, understands that once Pride season hits we are slammed. I really didn't realize it had been so long since I updated the blog and I apologize. To catch you up -

Bradley turned 11 in May - where has the time gone? Being the cool mom that I am, I let him have 5 baseball buddies spend the night after baseball practice that Friday night. We then let two more go to the movies with us the next day - so it was me plus 8 boys seeing Shrek The Final Chapter. (You'll notice that TR declined to accompany us to the movies! BIG CHICKEN) The boys were well behaved and I didn't have any problems.

TR & Miranda managed to grab a day and go fishing and were able to catch some dolphin. We ate them for dinner that night! Then we went out on the boat with friends Speedy and Jason. This was Speedy's first time out on the big water and let's just say green is not her color. I think she'll be sticking to the lake from here on out!

Memorial Day weekend we played in the State Championship tourney. We played awful during pool play - going 0-2 and setting us up for a long Sunday. We arrived at the park at 10 am on Sunday and left at 10:20 Sunday night. I'm very proud to say that our boys played 4 ballgames, sat through two weather delays and finished second! At the end they simply ran out of gas losing the Championship game 8-6.

The Pride season officially kicked off on Memorial Day against the Venezuelan National Team. This series was a tune up for our opening NPF series that was played in Lubbock.

Mom arrived just in time for our trip to Lubbock, Texas for the Pride series against Chicago that we were hosting at Texas Tech University. Everyone worked long and hard to make this a successful event - complete with exhibition games, clinics and the Professional Games. In case you missed it, Bradley is a STAR! The Saturday afternoon game was broadcast on ESPN2 and there are several shots of him in the dugout with his girls. I think TR even made it on TV. It was great to see Jennie & Ace. Bradley & Ace had a great time playing each day during the autograph session. It was a very successful event and we met some great people.

We came back to town just in time for the Pride to play the Canadian National Team at Disney. There's no rest in June with this schedule we had! That was followed up by the baseball team's Global State Championship. The boys didn't fare as well this time, coming in a dismal third place being knocked out of the event by Monsey's team the Orlando Braves.

Since we've been running a little ragged lately, last weekend we actually got home from the field on Sunday at a decent hour (4 pm). We went to the movies to see Toy Story 3. It was GREAT - other than the fact the theater was crowded and we had to sit on the second row.

Little League All-Stars were announced and Bradley made the team. Thanks to the Roes and the Barbers for making sure Bradley gets to Little League practice! The Little League All-Star tourney started on Friday. We won the first game 12-2. Bradley pitched two innings, played first and caught. He also hit two doubles. The next game is today at 6 pm.

For the 4th we kept it low-key. I worked from home in the morning then did laundry, ironing, dishes etc. The weather was cloudy and overcast so we met Speedy and went to the movies (twice in two weeks - this is a record!) and saw A-Team. This was ANOTHER great movie and definitely set up for a sequel. Bradley, of course, never saw the original A-Team. Now that he's seen the movie, I think he'll like the original show.

The travel baseball team has a tough July schedule. We'll be playing in the Elite 32 tourney at Disney beginning next Saturday. This is the 32 best 10 year old teams in the country. This should be a great experience for our boys and will let them know what it takes to play at the next level. The the following week, we will be playing in the Global World Series which is part of the ESPN Rise Games at Disney. Whew - lots of baseball - not to mention the Pride who return to town July 22.

I'll try not to have so much time in between posts. I'll also try and get some pictures to post.