So we had a good visit in Virginia for Thanksgiving - although it was cold. We were more than ready to get home to warmer weather. Naturally, after being away for a few days, things just seem to snowball and we had something to do every night (not that that's real different from any other week!)
We began our weekend decorating the flag football float for this year. TR worked hard all week preparing our scoreboard and cleaning his red truck in preparation for pulling the float. Our float contained our goal posts, with the ball sailing through, a "field' complete with snow around the field and, of course, our scoreboard. Not sure how they can top the float next year.
Now, of course, the parade went well but after, we had quite a good laugh. Bradley & Coach Chuck's daughter decided to play some football while we were undecorating the float. Not sure exactly who to blame, but the football ended up in the retention pond and Chuck made Katie go swimming after it - good thing it was really warm here! Now to make things even better, the big football game between Florida & Alabama was Saturday. About half of Bradley's team (including him) are Gator fans - but his two main coaches are big Alabama fans. Needless to say, the text that we sent to Bradley's coach after the game has not yet been returned.....GO GATORS.
On to decorating - TR has been also working on getting the outside of the house done. Perfectionist that he is, I have a feeling he'll be back on the roof this week as all of our lights are not pointing in the same direction. I'll post pictures of the house AFTER he has finished. Today I finally managed to finish the inside of the house. Also, a very nice surprise this afternoon - my car actually fits in our garage! I could not believe it when the garage was finally clean enough to park in!
Our first basketball game is this week. Unfortunately, I haven't been successful in arranging a scrimmage for our boys so we'll have a real test ahead of us. We'll post an update after the game.